Advance reading Kates 1 Malcolm Barnett Cottrol Blackman New Textbook Kates 2 Hardy 1 Halbrook Johnson Shapiro & Blackman Hardy 2 Friendship Dinner Judge Silberman Lund

NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund's
Next Generation RKBA Scholars Seminar, 2012

Originalist Interpretive Methodology
Randy BarnettProfessor Randy Barnett is the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory at Georgetown University Law Center. In fall 2011, he was a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania. A former criminal prosecutor and graduate of Harvard Law School, his books include RESTORING THE LOST CONSTITUTION: THE PRESUMPTION OF LIBERTY (2003). Professor Barnett argued the medical marijuana case Gonzalez v. Raich before the Supreme Court, and he represented the National Federation of Independent Business in its constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act, argued before the Supreme Court in March 2012. Professor Barnett’s topic at the Scholars Seminar was “Originalist Interpretive Methodology -- The Distinction between Constitutional Interpretation and Constitutional Construction.” Professor Barnett's Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy article on the subject can be found HERE.

CLICK for audio Randy Barnett: Originalist Interpretive Methodology:
The Distinction between Constitutional Interpretation and Constitutional Construction

Transcript of Professor Barnett's presentation

Reading suggested in advance of seminar:
(1) Randy E. Barnett, Interpretation and Construction, 34 HARV. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 65 (2011).
(NOTE: Presentation based on this paper.)
(2) Randy E. Barnett, The Misconceived Assumption about Constitutional Assumptions, 103 NW. U. L. REV. 615 (2009).
(3) Lawrence B. Solum, The Interpretation-Distinction, Georgetown Law Faculty Publications and Other Works, Paper 676 (2010).
(4) Randy E. Barnett, RESTORING THE LOST CONSTITUTION: THE PRESUMPTION OF LIBERTY (2003), Chapters Four ("Constitutional Interpretation: An Originalism for Nonoriginalists") and Chapter Five ("Constitutional Construction: Supplementing Original Meaning"). (Available in any law school library.) Audio/video of Professor Barnett discussing the book at Princeton University in March 2005 is HERE.

CLICK to see Professor Barnett's RKBA law review articles.



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Advance reading Kates 1 Malcolm Barnett Cottrol Blackman New Textbook Kates 2 Hardy 1 Halbrook Johnson Shapiro & Blackman Hardy 2 Friendship Dinner Judge Silberman Lund

NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund

The seminar was hosted by the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund,
a 501(c)(3) charitable/educational entity,
established by the NRA Board of Directors in 1978.

Thanks to "Sebastian" of Shall Not Be Questioned
for the audio recordings.