Number | Requirement in Brief |
S-101 | Visit a science museum. |
S-102 | Enter a project in a science fair. |
S-103 | Read science news or a science magazine regularly. |
S-104 | Set up your own chem lab. |
S-105 | Tour a school chemistry lab. |
S-106 | Visit a chemical laboratory. |
S-107 | Do an experiment putting two materials in the same space. |
S-108 | Do an experiment with the sun breaking down paper dye. |
S-109 | Do an experiment with bleach. |
S-110 | Do a test for starch. |
S-111 | Do a bubble experiment. |
S-112 | Make invisible ink. |
S-113 | Do an experiment heating air. |
S-114 | Make sugar crystals. |
S-115 | Do a vinegar and baking soda experiment. |
S-116 | Do an experiment with carbon dioxide. |
S-117 | Learn how to make rain. |
S-118 | Show how smoke can relight a candle. |
S-119 | See which materials float. |
S-120 | Learn about making heat through friction. |
S-121 | Do an experiment with hot air. |
S-122 | Drop two object of different weights. |
S-123 | Do an experiment to bend light waves. |
S-124 | Do an inertia experiment. |
S-125 | Do an experiment with centrifugal force. |
S-126 | Make bottle top gears. |
S-127 | Do an experiment with a rubber band and pitch. |
S-128 | Learn about x-rays. |
S-129 | Learn about cosmic rays. |
S-130 | Demonstrate air pockets. |
S-131 | Do an experiment on air pressure. |
S-132 | Do an experiment to show that air has weight. |
S-133 | Stab a potato with a straw. |
S-134 | Figure out the average amount of time you watch television. |
S-135 | Measure your growth over a period of time. |
S-136 | Graph the daily temperature. |
S-137 | Graph price changes. |
S-138 | Calculate ages from tombstones. |
S-139 | Compare prices from two grocery stores. |
S-140 | Determine the area of your room. |
S-141 | Determine the distance from your home to the state capital. |
S-142 | Figure daily and weekly mileage on your car. |
S-143 | Figure out how to double a recipe. |
S-144 | Figure out your reading speed. |
S-145 | Figure out the average weight of your family or club. |
S-146 | Figure out the average height of your family or club. |
S-147 | Weigh some fruits or vegetables at the store. |
S-148 | Catch an insect and observe it for a few hours. |
S-149 | Identify some insects. |
S-150 | Visit a museum of natural history. |
S-151 | Watch insects come to a light bulb. |
S-152 | Collect and label insects. |
S-153 | Watch a spider spin a web. |
S-154 | Watch a snail. |
S-155 | Make an ant farm or watch an ant colony. |
S-156 | Find and raise a caterpillar. |
S-157 | Watch the nest of a mother bird. |
S-158 | Visit a bird refuge. |
S-159 | Read about different kinds of dogs. |
S-160 | Learn about cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals. |
S-161 | Watch the reactions of an earthworm in cold and warm temperatures. |
S-162 | Raise some tadpoles. |
S-163 | Learn about turtles. |
S-164 | Take care of a turtle for a few days. |
S-165 | Take care of some fish. |
S-166 | Hatch eggs in an incubator. |
S-167 | Learn the names for different kinds of baby animals. |
S-168 | Learn about a spider's web. |
S-169 | Learn about mollusks. |
S-170 | Learn about bees. |
S-171 | Learn about the life cycle of a mosquito or flea. |
S-172 | Name three different classes of animals. |
S-173 | Write about an insect. |
S-174 | Explain how insects are different from other animals. |
S-175 | Explain predator-prey relationships. |
S-176 | Observe the birth of an animal and watch the baby for several weeks. |
S-177 | Learn about an extinct or prehistoric animal. |
S-178 | Learn about George Washington Carver. |
S-179 | Learn about Sequoia trees. |
S-180 | Visit a park and take a nature hike. |
S-181 | Talk to a horticulturist and learn about their job. |
S-182 | Determine a tree's age by the rings. |
S-183 | Prepare a flower arrangement and identify all the flowers in it. |
S-184 | Learn about the parts of a flower. |
S-185 | Learn how water rises up a stem. |
S-186 | Change the color of a carnation. |
S-187 | Watch how seeds grow. |
S-188 | Learn how roots grow. |
S-189 | Plant a root cutting. |
S-190 | Collect and classify seeds. |
S-191 | Collect and press flowers. |
S-192 | Identify trees and shrubs in your neighborhood. |
S-193 | Mount and label twigs. |
S-194 | Mount and label cones. |
S-195 | Learn how paper is made and recycled. |
S-196 | Learn the effect of light on plants. |
S-197 | Tie a bag over a plant and see what happens after several hours. |
S-198 | Learn about chlorophyll. |
S-199 | Put four pieces of moldy bread in four different places and observe the results. |
S-200 | Find out how plants make their own food. |
S-201 | Collect water from a natural source and watch it settle. |
S-202 | Visit a quarry and learn how the products are removed. |
S-203 | Learn about marble. |
S-204 | Learn about volcanoes. |
S-205 | Learn about minerals. |
S-206 | Observe some soil samples. |
S-207 | Learn how weather and plants can effect sidewalks and cement foundations. |
S-208 | Learn about the major rivers in our country. |
S-209 | Learn about soil erosion. |
S-210 | Find and draw a picture of four layers of soil. |
S-211 | Learn how pressure makes sedimentary rock. |
S-212 | Learn about fossils. |
S-213 | Learn about gemstones. |
S-214 | Make a geyser. |
S-215 | Learn about magma and volcanic gasses. |
S-216 | Learn about igneous rocks. |
S-217 | Learn about the soil in your area. |
S-218 | Collect pictures of how rocks are used. |
S-219 | Start a rock collection. |
S-220 | Watch a cut lettuce leaf for several days. |
S-221 | Find out how much of the human body is water. |
S-222 | Learn about the water needed by your community. |
S-223 | See what's left when water evaporates. |
S-224 | Learn about the minerals in the sea. |
S-225 | Learn about some oceanography explorations. |
S-226 | Visit some locks and watch a boat go through. |
S-227 | Learn how the earth stores water. |
S-228 | Keep track of precipitation in your area. |
S-229 | Freeze some water in a jar and see what happens. |
S-230 | See how wind effects evaporation. |
S-231 | See how temperature effects evaporation. |
S-232 | See how surface area effects evaporation. |
S-233 | See how condensation works. |
S-234 | Make a model of the earth's water table. |
S-235 | Figure out how much water you use in a week. |
S-236 | Make and use a snow gauge. |
S-237 | See how much water melted snow makes. |
S-238 | Watch how cold water sinks and hot water rises. |
S-239 | Make your own ocean waves. |
S-240 | Compare load bearing capabilities between salt water and fresh water. |
S-241 | Learn about surface tension on water. |
S-242 | Learn how to conserve water. |
S-243 | Visit a U.S. weather station. |
S-244 | Visit an observatory and look at the moon through a telescope. |
S-245 | Read about the space program and list products that we have because of it. |
S-246 | Read about past space programs. |
S-247 | Read about a famous aviator. |
S-248 | Draw or paint pictures about historical aviation events. |
S-249 | Make a picture book of different airplanes. |
S-250 | Learn about the North Star and a legend associated with it. |
S-251 | Figure out how much you would weigh on the moon. |
S-252 | Learn about distance and size comparison. |
S-253 | Learn about day and night with a ball and flashlight. |
S-254 | Draw planets on a chart showing their relative size. |
S-255 | Explain some astronomy terms. |
S-256 | Observe the effects of air resistence on two pieces of paper. |
S-257 | Do an experiment to demonstrate "lift". |
S-258 | Use a balloon to demonstrate "thrust". |
S-259 | Learn about light aircraft. |
S-260 | Learn about clouds. |
S-261 | Make a weather station and use it. |
S-262 | Keep track of the weather in different parts of the country. |
S-263 | Explain about rainbows and similar phenomena. |
S-264 | Make sketches of a constellation at two different times. |
S-265 | Write a brief biography of an astronaut or space scientist. |
S-266 | Watch a man-made satellite in the sky. |
S-267 | Build a sun-dial. |
S-268 | Draw the rain cycle. |
S-269 | Experiment with kite shapes. |
S-270 | Make a "pictionary" of aerospace terms. |
S-271 | Learn about Skylab and write a story about it. |
S-272 | Choose some items you would send to another planet and write an explanation of them. |
S-273 | Write a story about where you would go on the Space Shuttle. |
S-274 | Create a crossword puzzle of space related terms. |
S-275 | Learn about windmills. |
S-276 | Learn how a windmill works. |
S-277 | Learn about solar energy for heat. |
S-278 | Find out how gas or electric energy reaches your home. |
S-279 | Invite someone to talk to your club about ways to save energy. |
S-280 | Learn about power dams. |
S-281 | Visit an oil or gas field. |
S-282 | Learn about nuclear energy. |
S-283 | Learn how evaporation decreases temperature. |
S-284 | Learn about static electricity. |
S-285 | Learn about insulation by melting ice. |
S-286 | Find out what kind of energy sources were available 50 years ago. |
S-287 | Learn about electricity. |
S-288 | Learn about the career of electrical engineer. |
S-289 | Learn about your usage of paper products. |
S-290 | Learn how fossil fuel is formed. |
S-291 | Learn about heat absorption. |
S-292 | Test insulation materials. |
S-293 | Learn about heat radiation. |
S-294 | Learn how to read your electric meter and figure out your usage. |
S-295 | Write a story about how your life would be different without electricity. |
S-296 | Visit a vehicle assembly plant. |
S-297 | Travel by plane, train, or boat and make observations about the trip. |
S-298 | Learn about the usefulness of the space shuttle. |
S-299 | Learn about the history of various types of transportation. |
S-300 | Observe a dock or freight wharf. |
S-301 | Visit a lighthouse or airport and learn about beacons. |
S-302 | Learn about rapid mass transit systems. |
S-303 | Take a ride on a mass transit system. |
S-304 | Keep track of the transportation you use during the week. |
S-305 | Compare the cost of different modes of transportation. |
S-306 | Use a mileage scale on a map and figure out the mileage between major towns. |
S-307 | Figure the cost of a trip on Amtrak. |
S-308 | Learn about car safety equipment that comes on cars. |
S-309 | Learn about transportation 50 years ago. |
S-310 | Make a display of the history of one form of transportation. |
S-311 | Make a model of a train, plane, ship, or space capsule. |
S-312 | Learn how a TV station receives and transmits signals. |
S-313 | Visit a phone company and learn how calls are made. |
S-314 | Learn about amateur radio. |
S-315 | Learn about CB. |
S-316 | Learn Morse code. |
S-317 | Make a string telephone. |
S-318 | Record a mock radio broacast. |
S-319 | Write and send a telegram. |
S-320 | Make a crystal radio set. |
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