149th Infantry Illinois Volunteers
from A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion,
vol. III, Regimental Histories
--by Frederick H. Dyer [1908]
Organized at Camp Butler, Ill., and
mustered in for 1 year February 11, 1865.
Moved to Nashville, Tenn., February 14-17, 1865;
thence to Chattanooga, Tenn.
Attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Separate Division, District of the
Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland,
to July 1865.
Dept. of Georgia to January, 1866.
Provost Guard duty at Chattanooga Tenn., and guarding R R. till
May 2.
Moved to Dalton, Ga., May 2,
thence to Atlanta, Ga., July 6.
Guard duty in 4th Sub-District, District of Allatoona, till
January, 1866.
Mustered out January 27, 1866.
Regiment lost during service
by disease 31.
History of 149th Illinois Infantry
Adjutant General's Report
[William O'Neal Payne was one man in the 149th IL Inf.,
Co. E; he enlisted 6 Feb 1865 in Danville.]
The One Hundred and Forty-ninth Infantry Illinois Volunteers was
Camp Butler, Ill., on February 11, 1865 by Colonel William C,
and mustered in for one year. On February 14, moved for
Nashville, Tenn.,
and from thence moved to Chattanooga. Was assigned to Colonel
Felix Prince
Salm's Second Brigade, Second Separate Division, Army of the
and on the 2d, moved to Dalton, Ga. On July 6, moved to Atlanta.
On the 26th [of July 1865], being assigned to duty in the Fourth
Sub-District of District of Allatoona, it was assigned guard
duty in that District. [in Georgia]
[William Payne
"deserted his command at LaFayette, GA," 21-Nov-1865.]
Mustered out January 27, 1866, at Dalton, Ga., and ordered to
Ill., where it received final pay and discharge.
Roster for E Co., 149th Infantry
These were the men of Company E:
Atherton, Robert N., of Danville
Baker, William H., of Middlefork
Barcus, Eli, of Ross
Barcus, James, of Grant
Barker, John C., of Danville
Barker, Richard H., of Danville
Barker, William H., of Danville
Bellnap, Albert J., of Danville
Bels, John, of Danville
Bivins, Isaac, of Catlin
Brown, James D., of Middlefork
Burk, Wesley, of Catlin
Burke, Wesley, of Danville
Burrow, Austin, of Danville
Buy, Frederick, of Danville&127
Cage, William, of Danville
Carr, John, of Danville
Clingan, Thomas, of Danville
Colapay, John, of Catlin
Corbin, Samuel H., of Middlefork
Cotton, Robert S., of Danville
Courtney, John N., of Middlefork
Cromer, Francis M., of Danville
Cronen, William, of Danville
Crouse, George W., of Danville
Cunningham, John R., of Catlin
Davis, Charles O., of Grant
Davis, Elias C., of Ross
Davis, James, of Blount
Deck, John, of Grant
Dines, James K., of Ross
Dopps, Eli E., of Middlefork
Eaton, William, of Catlin
Elliott, Joseph B., of Middlefork
Foster, Thomas M., of Catlin
Funk, Henry W., of Danville
Gentner, Matthias, of Danville
Glaze, Charles, of Middlefork
Guist, Augustus, of Catlin
Harper, Austin F., of Catlin
Heckroth, Henry, of Danville
Hoagland, Jonathan, of Grant
Hobbs, Joshua, of Middlefork
Horton, Isaac J., of Danville
Johns, Edward S., of Grant
Jones, Francis M., of Danville
Jones, James P., of Danville
Jourdan, George M., of Danville
Kester, Henry B., of Danville
Lafferty, Edward, of Danville
Lammy, Syrenus, of Catlin
Lammy, William N., of Catlin
Lane, John K., of Blount
Lawler, Everett M., of Catlin
Lawton, Ira G., Marysville
Leadbetter, Jabez E., of Middlefork
Leonard, Michael, of Middlefork
Lewis, David E., of Danville
Lindsay, Charles F., of Danville
Low, John, of Danville
Lucus, Charles C., of Danville
Lucus, James B., of Middlefork
Lucus, Sanford L., of Middlefork
Meinhart, Frederick., of Danville
Miller, George, of Catlin
Mills, James H., of Grant
Moore, Joseph W., of Middlefork
Moreland, David M., of Middlefork
Myer, Joseph M., of Danville
McMurtrey, William A., of Marysville
Norton, Jacob, of Ross
Olehy, Commodore P., of Danville
Parker, Peter G., of Danville
Patterson, Thomas, of Danville
Payne, William O., of Danville
Rathburn, Napoleon B., of Danville
Risk, Benjamin, of Danville
Sanders, Daniel F., of Ross
Schallars, Jacob S., of Catlin
Schanbeck, John, of Danville
Schroll, Andrew, of Danville
Search, John N., of Grant
Skinner, Theodore, of Danville
Smith, William H., of Catlin
Smoot, Alonzo S., of Danville
Snyder, John, of Danville
Stamp, Charles, of Middlefork
Strean, Thomas V., of Grant
Torrance, George, of Newell
Trisler, John, of Catlin
Trisler, Robert, of Catlin
Wells, Willliam, of Ross
Williams, John B., of Danville
Willis, Thomas F., of Danville
Wright, James, of Middlefork
Yates, Edward F., of Ross
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