
Home Craft
Health Craft

Camp Craft

Hand Craft

Nature Lore



Camp Fire Girls Handbook




1 Cooking: Make bread in two ways and two kinds of cake.

2 Cook meat in four ways: Roast, broil, fricassee, boil.

3 Cook left-over meats in four ways.

4 Cook three common vegetables each in three ways.

5 Make two kinds of soup with milk, and two with meat.

6 Prepare four salads, making at least two kinds of dressing.

7 Prepare eggs in four different ways.

8 Prepare four desserts: one gelatine, one boiled, one baked, and one frozen.

9 Prepare a gruel, a cereal, an eggnog, and milk toast and arrange an invalid's tray attractively.

10 Gather two quarts of wild berries or fruits and make them into a dessert. R

11 Can or preserve three different kinds of fruits, at least one quart of each kind.

12 Use fireless cooker successfully on cereals, meat and vegetables.

13 Cook meat, a vegetable and a dessert, or fruit, in paper bags.

14 Chafing Dish: Prepare four appetizing dishes.

15 Write out an appetizing balanced vegetarian diet for a week.

16 Write out a menu for three weeks suitable for a school girl who is inclined to be too stout.

17 Write out a menu for three weeks suitable for a school girl who is inclined to be too thin.

18 Give examples of five expensive and five inexpensive foods having high energy or tissue forming value. Do the same for foods having little energy or tissue forming value.

19 Prepare balanced menu and superintend cooking for one month in home.

20 Make delicacies for the sick and send where needed through the National Plant, Flower, and Fruit Guild, or some other distributing organization.

21 Cook for one month in a home.

22 Take instructions in neighbor's home once a week for two months, actually doing cooking.

23 Make two pounds of butter a week for two months.

24 Pick, dress and cook a fowl.

25 Marketing: Describe characteristics and identify and select six chief cuts of meat; also state the market price for each.

26 Market for one week one week on one dollar and a half per person, keeping accounts and records of menus, etc.

27 Do the same for two dollars.

28 Do the same for three dollars.

29 Know the best season for the chief fruits and vegetables available in your locality and a reasonable price for each.

30 Know the way flour, sugar, rice, cereals, crackers, and breads are sold--packages, bulk, etc.--prices, dangerous and common adulterations.

31 Know how to secure full weight and pure food.

32 Laundering: Do a family washing, using modern labor-saving devices if possible.

33 Iron eight hours in two months.

34 Wash and iron a shirt waist and a skirt.

35 Wash and iron a lingerie dress.

36 Press a suit, or a skirt and coat.

37 Remove three common stains from wash material, two spots from nonwashable material.

38 Use two agents for softening water, two soaps for different uses, two kinds of starch for different uses, two methods of bluing, and two household methods of bleaching.

39 Housekeeping: Care for hardwood floors, walls, carpets, rugs, hardwood and upholstered furniture, as it should be done for the regular housecleaning.

40 Sweep and dust, using two kinds of sweeping or dusting compounds, moist cloths, dust absorbing cloths, and a vacuum cleaner.

41 Properly dispose of waste and garbage from the home, and know its proper disposal by the city.

42 Make up a bed for a baby, a bed with a draw sheet for a very sick patient, and know the proper airing and changing of bed.

43 Air and make one bed every day for two months.

44 Wash and wipe dishes and leave the dining room in order, after one meal a day, for two months. (Two girls may share the work, continuing it through twice the time, to obtain equivalent honors.)

45 Take the entire care of one room for one month, to include sweeping, dusting, washing of windows, care of flowers or plants, and what may be desirable for the attractiveness of the room. This may be the club room of the Camp Fire Girls. (Two girls may share the work, continuing it through twice the time, to obtain equivalent honors.)

46 Put away clothing, rugs, furs, blankets, for the summer.

47 Take instruction in a neighbor's house for one morning a week for two months, actually doing house work.

48 Take care of a cat, dog, bird, or a tame animal, for three months; know what harm they do, what diseases each may carry, and how they may be treated.

49 Learn the care of plates, silver, glass, pots, pans, aluminum ware, lamps, copper.

50 Scrub a floor once a week for two months.

51 Take entire charge of a pantry for one month.

52 Clean ice-chest thoroughly twice a week for two months during the summer.

53 Keep bureau drawers in order for three months.

54 Care for at least two kerosene lamps every day for a month.

55 Take care of the milk and cream from at least one cow, and see that the pails and pans are properly cleaned for two months.

56 Repack a faucet.

57 Install an electric bell and care for it for three months.

58 Build a furnace fire and care for it two days.

59 Invention. Make a useful household invention.

60 Care of Sick: Arrange a sick room to make it sanitary and calculated to give greatest possible comfort to patient and usefulness to doctor and nurses.

61 Use a clinical thermometer to obtain the temperature of an adult and an infant, and tell the temperatures indicating normal, fever, and dangerous fever conditions.

62 Give the common symptoms of scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping-cough, measles, tuberculosis; also home care and prevention of these diseases.

63 Entertainment: Sing weekly in chorus or glee club for not less then three months.

64 Sing in a quartette, glee club, or organized chorus for not less than eight hours in any one month.

65 Memorize and sing alone five folk songs.

66 Play any musical instrument in an orchestra, reading the necessary music, for not less than eight hours in any one month.

67 Play from memory five piano pieces of the difficulty of Schumann's "Scenes from Childhood."

68 Play the piano or organ for one Sabbath service each week for three months.

69 Play the accompaniment for any school exercise for not less than eight hours in any one month.

70 Commit and recite five hundred lines of standard poetry.

71 Commit and recite an equivalent amount of standard prose, such as an oration, essay, or story.

72 Write a story, a poem, or words of song which is either published or adopted for use.

73 Have entire charge of two programs for the weekly meetings of the Camp Fire.

74 Have a party of ten with refreshments, costing not more than one dollar; keep accounts.

75 Entertain three or more little children for two hours a week for at least two months.

76 Know and tell five standard folk stories.

77 Write and give a play.

78 Plan and give a pantomime entertainment.

79 Make six visits a month for three months to sick in homes, hospitals or other institutions.

80 Teach a boy to dance any four of the following dances: Virginia Reel. Portland Fancy, Lady of the Lake, Howe's (or Hull's) Victory, Pop Goes the Weasel, Chorus Jig, Lancers, Boston Fancy, French Reel, German Hopping Dance, Varsouvienne, Furteur, Gottland's Quadrille.

81 Each member of a Camp Fire that participates in carrying out a wholesome party, or hike, including at least as many others (either boys or girls) as Camp Fire Girls, may receive one honor. (The work must be well planned and organized and each member given special duties. The Guardian must approve the plans, but it must be really in the hands of the girls.)

82 Baby Craft: Know how milk should be prepared for a six-months-old baby; know what is good milk for a baby a year old and how it can be tested.

83 Know how much a baby should grow in weight each week for the first six months, in height for each month for the first year, the relation of weight to disease and vitality.

84 Know and describe three kinds of baby cries and what they mean.

85 Care for a baby for an average of an hour a day for a month.

86 Make a set of practical playthings for a child three years old.

87 Take entire care of a household for one week, allowing the mother to go on a visit or vacation.

88 Cook and serve two Sunday dinners while mother rests.

89 Bait the hook, catch, clean and cook a fish.

Camp Fire Girls Handbook
 Purpose | Membership | Honors

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