Thanks to MHS teachers
by Jim DuvallMHS teachers taught me that I
could succeed if I studied things that I love and that
hold my interest, and I hold those MHS teachers in high
I began MHS as a terrible student. In grade school, I had
day-dreamed and looked out the window. All of my teachers
said that, if I only applied myself, I could be a good
student. I had many distractions, some parental problems,
and a different homelife.
I thank some teachers who proved to me that I did not
belong in a college-prep course. I see some kids today
with ADD and think, That was me!
Here are the teachers who helped me to understand I was
not college-prep:
Ms. Stoddard let me know about applying
myself and doing the work, and about consequences if I
did not apply myself and do the work.
Mr. Karst was probably the smartest
teacher at MHS, even though he couldn't get me to work
with powers and numbers with googols of 0's.
Ms. Hess taught me that reading Latin
wasn't for me.
I respected their opinions, and, after a summer school
session, I got back on track.
I finally convinced my father that I was NOT going to
college, and I had a second life in high school.
Here are the exceptional teachers who helped me in the
second life:
Mr. Ross, drafting teacher, taught me
that perfect was preferred.
Mr. Armel, print shop teacher, taught me
that a cheerful attitude can win minds.
Mr. Stine, biology teacher, impressed me
with his no nonsense ways, presenting facts and drawings,
and more drawings.
Mr. Baker, international relations,
impressed me because he knew his facts.
Those are the teachers that meant something to me at MHS,
and I learned that I could be a great student.
After graduating in the spring of 1962, I worked during
the summer and left for the U.S. Navy in September, still
17 years old. I passed the exams and selected an
electronics field.
During my 41 years in business, I had to study and learn
the subject that I really loved. I spent weeks at a time
in distant places studying business and banking
equipment; I took college courses (at night) in
networking. I would get a service request with parts
delivery by 9:00 a.m. that day; Id go online, study
the laptop or desktop or server manual. (By contract, I
was not able to take the call if I was untrained on the
equipment). After studying, sometimes for only 15
minutes, I would go online and pass the test. I have
never flunked a test since high school. I have an A
average in all of my training courses, a perfect score on
all of my college courses, and am A+ and DCSE certified.
And it was a collection of MHS teachers who taught me
that I could succeed if I studied things that I love.
James Alfred Duvall,
MHS Class of 1962