1968 Cavemen in Athletic Hall of
Fame Class of
'68's Randy Shayler and Byron Aldrich have been
named to the Mishawaka High School Athletic Hall
of Fame. Randy was inducted in 2001; Byron, in
The Hall of Fame began in 1986.
MHS describes the Hall of Fame as "a team
united by the shared personal qualities of
character, leadership, and sportsmanship."
Randy was on the football,
wrestling, and track teams at MHS. Byron was on
the football, wrestling, and baseball teams.
Below are some others in the
MHS Athletic Hall of Fame:
Russell ARNDT, J.D., Class of
'21, teacher when Class of '68 was in 9th grade.
Ward BAKER, Class of '24,
teacher for Class of '68.
John DANAHER, teacher and coach
for Class of '68.
Raymond DeCOOK, Class of '28,
Director of Mishawaka's Parks and Recreation when
Class of '68 was in high school.
Eugene DYKSTRA, Athletic
Director and Dean of Boys for Class of '68.
George GULYANICS, Penn Township
Assessor while Class of '68 was at MHS.
Margaret HARRIS, Mrs. Ward Prickett
(Maggie Prickett), Class of '26, mayor
of Mishawaka for 16 years, 1964-80.
Jack KLAER, Class of '29,
organized MHS Alumni Association, founded MHS
Booster Club, filmed football and basketball
games, sportswriter for the South Bend Tribune.
Jim MILLER, Class of '42, coach
and teacher for Class of '68.
Walter THURSTON, Principal while
Class of '68 was in 10th, 11th, 12th grades.
Milton ROSS, Class of '50, coach
and teacher for the Class of '68.
Al SMITH, coach and teacher for
the Class of '68.
Frank STEELE, Director of
Health, Physical Education & Safety for
Mishawaka public schools from when the Class of
'68 began kindergarten thru 4th grade; Tupper
Field was re-named for him in 1980.
Marv WOOD, coach and teacher for
the Class of '68; the real coach behind "the
Milan miracle" of 1954, the basis of the
movie Hoosiers; a genuine Hoosier
Fight Song
March, march
on down to fame.
Were out to win this game
Our coach and all the team are just what they
So give a loud cheer for Mishawaka
Hear all those Boosters talk!
____________ High may fight to the end.
But we will win! Rah! Rah! Rah!
Fight on Mishawaka;
Live up to your name
Raise high all your standards,
Spread round you all your fame.
Were marching to Victory.
Wont stop till were there.
So fight, Mishawaka, fight,
And win this game.
Above 1968-era photo is from Chuck
Hoffman. Co-captains of the football team with
the coach. From left: Craig Salyer, Coach William
Karpinski, Randy Shayler.