Christian Hoffarth and Elizabeth
- by Alice Marie
The 18-year
marriage of Christian Hoffarth (1716-1788) and Elizabeth
Keim (1723-1764) produced seven children. When they
married, he was about 29; she was about 22.
Elizabeth's year of death is presumed from the fact that
she gave birth to a son in August 1762, and Christian's
second wife gave birth to a daughter in 1764. Elizabeth
vanished from the records after her seventh child was
Genealogists had long thought that all seventeen of
Christian's children had the same mother, a woman named
Anna Catharine who was Christian's wife when he died in
1788. The initial clue that the first seven children had
a different mother is in the confirmation records for
Christian's first seven children. For the oldest seven
children, under "parent," the pastor recorded
only Christian's name. However, for children after the
first seven, when they were confirmed, the record noted
both Christian and his second wife, Anna Catharine.
The definitive proof that Christian had a previous
marriage is found in a quit claim deed on Elizabeth's
late father's property. In it she is named as the wife of
Christian Hoffart. Dated 29-Apr-1762, titled
"Release John Kihm [Keim] to George Kihm
[Keim]." It is a quit-claim deed for the 200-acre
plantation in Oley Township, Berks Co., PA, formerly
owned by Elizabeth's father Johannes KEIM. The opening
clause of the deed follows:
This indenture, made the 29th
day of April, 1762, between John Kihm, Stephen
Kihm, Nicholas Kihm, John Henry Schneider and
Catherine his wife (late Catherine Kihm),
Christian Hoffart and Elisabeth his wife (late
Elisabeth Kihm), Jacob Kihm, Conrad Kihm, Jacob
Yoder and Maria his wife (late Maria Kihm),
Michael Witman and Barbara his wife (late Barbara
Kihm) and Frederick Hung and Susannah his wife
(late Susannah Kihm), hiers and representatives
of John Kihm, late of Oley, in the County of
Berks and Province of Penna., deceased of the one
part and George Kihm, of Oley aforesaid Yeoman,
of the other part. |
At least their first
child was born in Lancaster Co., PA. Their last child was
born in Frederick Co., MD. Where the other children were
born in unknown.
By 4-Nov-1762, the family was established in Frederick
Co., MD, where Christian signed a 21-year lease on a
small parcel of land, small enough that it was likely the
place to live and not the land to farm.
The owner of the ten acres that Christian leased was the
English royal Lord Baltimore. The land was managed by a
governor appointed by the English lord. Since the land in
Monocacy Manor was not available for purchase, farmers
signed long-term leases on plots of land. After the
Revolutionary War, the Maryland General Assembly took
possession of the land because it had been owned by the
British Lord, who obviously had sided with the British in
the war. The long-term leases were voided, and the land
was divided and sold.
In addition to the ten acres Christian leased in November
1762, he had a long-term lease on 193 acres. On
10-Oct-1781, that long-term lease was sold to one Maj.
Davidson for 1,300 pounds. The major paid with Army pay
certificates that he had been granted as a soldier of the
"Maryland line."
From Poverty in a Land of Plenty, Tenancy in
Eighteenth Century Maryland, by Gregory A.
Stiverson, pub. by Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1977, at
page 132:
The auction of
the Manor was held at Grost's Tavern in Frederick
Town on September 10, 1782, and the tenants who
assembled for the sale, many of whom were first
generation German immigrants who had worked hard
improving their leaseholds, must have been
appalled at the number of high-ranking army
officers and affluent storekeepers who had come
to bid against them for their land. Monocacy
tenants were among the most prosperous of any on
the proprietary manors, and yet few could hope to
compete with men who could pay for land with
certificates that had been acquired for only a
fraction of face value. |
By the time Christian
was dealt that blow, he was 66. He was also the father of
a two-year-old daughter. In another six years, Christian
was dead. His will was found by a determined genealogist
who had been granted permission to rummage around in the
attic of the Frederick Co., MD, courthouse. It was found
in Will Book GM #2, pp. 289-290. All seventeen children
were named in the will:
GOD AMEN. I Christian Huffert of Frederick County
and State of Maryland, Farmer, being weak in Body
but of sound disposing -- Mind and Memory Thanks
be Given unto God, calling unto mind the
Moratality of my Body and knowing that it is
appointed for all men once to die, do make and
ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner
and form Following: that is to say, principally
and first of all, I give and Recommend my Soul
into the Hands of Almighty God that gave it, and
my Body I Recommend to the Earth, to be buried in
decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my
Executors nothing doubting but at the General
Resurrection, I shall receive the same again by
the mighty Power of God. And as touching such
Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to
Bless me in this life; I Give, demise and dispose
of the same in the following manner and form.
First, I desire that all my Just debts be
contented and paid within Convenient Time after
my decease. Item: I Give and Bequeath to my Well
Beloved Wife Ann Huffert besides her thirds my
bed with its furniture whereon we now lie also a
Cow and Calf and her Spinning Wheel. The rest of
my Estate both Real and Personal I leave to be
Sold at publick Sale and the Moneys arising
therefrom to be (after my Wife's part is
deducted) divided among my Children in the
following manner: Item. I Give and Bequeath to my
daughter Rebecca Huffert, the Sum of ten pounds
Current Money. Item: I Give and Bequeath to my
Daughter Barbara Huffert the Sum of ten pounds
Current Money, the above Legacys I leave to be
paid to my two Children above named, as soon as
the Estate is Settled and the Children Shall come
to age, by my Executors. The Rest of my Estate,
after my just debts and Legacies are paid and my
Wife's Third is deducted; I leave to be equally
divided among my Seventeen Children. Namely:
Christian, Christiana, Philip, Margaret, Daniel,
John, Casper, Catharina, George [hard to read
after sealing of will], Elizabeth, Adam, Hannah,
Jacob, Susanna, Magdalene, Rebecca, and Barbara
Hufferts. And I Nominate and Appoint my Trusty
and Well Beloved Son in Law Adam Creigher my
Executor of this my Last Will and Testament
hereby Revolking all other Wills by me heretofore
made, ratifying and Confirming this and no other
to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness
whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal. |
The burial sites of both
Christian and Elizabeth are lost to history.